I Love Tech and Music.

Transforming concepts into seamless User Experiences
Hiii, I'm Lakshayyy a
Frontend Developer
currently based in Delhi, NCR.
    Rapid APIsJavaScriptTypeScriptReact JSTaildWind CSSGraph QLNext JSMongo DBReduxReact Query
    Google AnalyticsChart JSFabric JSFirebaseAnt DesignGoogle MapsPuppeteerAWSTensorflow
The Technologies are Beautiful
and their libraries are just damn.
Build something CRAZY together?
would love to discuss some good scalable ideas on a call !
Try to Move This Globe
Building impactful product >>> FAANG jobs
A short piece of advice Code
that's just simply a code for google auth via jwt token.

A Small Selection of My Projects.

Watch Cam

An Object Detection Web App using the latest technologies: Next.js 14, React.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, tensorflow for object detection, shadcn/ui for UI components.

Prompt Hub

An open-source AI prompting tool for world to discover, create and share creative prompts : Next.js, Google Authentication, Mongo DB,

Cloud Share

A Dynamic Full Stack File Sharing App using the latest technologies: Next.js 14, React.js, Tailwind CSS, Firebase integration, Clerk Authentication and Resend API for sending emails.

Crypto World

A react app with modern UI/UX made with the help of Redux Toolkit, UI Creation using Ant Design, creating charts using Chart.js, and fetching data of all crypto currencies using RapidAPI


My Work Experience.